قائمة الأبحاث
1. S.N. Basahel, A.A. El-Bellihi, M.A. Gabal, El-H.M. Diefallah „Thermal decomposition of iron(III) oxalate- magnesium oxalate mixtures“ Thermochim. Acta 256 (1995) 339.
2. S.N. Basahel, A.O. Alyoubi, A.A. El-Bellihi, A.A. Samarkandy, S.A. Al-Thabaiti, El-H. M. Diefallah ,F.A. Al-Newaiser and M. A. Gabal „Thermal Decomposition of Zinc Acetate Dihydrate“ presented at 1 st conference on chemistry, 6 –9 March (2000), Cairo university, Giza, Egypt.
3. El-H.M. Diefallah, M.A. Gabal, A.A. El-Bellihi, N.A, Eissa „Nonisothermal decomposition of CdC2O4-FeC2O4 mixtures in air“ Thermochim. Acta, 376 (2001)43.
4. M.A. Ahmed and M.A. Gabal "Rare earth substitution effect on the electrical properties of perovskites" presented at the International Conference on Materials science and Technology, 2-4 April (2001), beni-suef, Egypt.
5. El-H.M. Diefallah, M.A. Mousa, A.A. El-Bellihi, E.H. El-Mossalamy, G.A. El-Sayed, M.A. Gabal „Thermal decomposition of iron(II) oxalate- magnesium oxalate mixtures“ Jounal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 62 (2002)205.
6. M.A. Gabal „Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of CuC2O4-ZnC2O4 mixture in air“ Thermochim. Acta, 402 (2003) 199.
7. M.A. Gabal „Non-isothermal decomposition of NiC2O4-FeC2O4 mixture aiming at the production of NiFe2O4“, Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 64 (2003) 1375.
8. M.A. Gabal, A.A. El-Bellihi, S.S. Ata-Allah „Effect of calcination temperature on Co(II) oxalate dihydrate-iron(II) oxalate dihydrate mixture. DTA-TG, Mössbauer, FT-IR and SEM studies (part II)“ Materials Chemistry and Physics, 81 (2003) 84.
9. M.A. Gabal, A.A. El-Bellihi, H.H. El-Bahnasawy „ Non-isothermal decomposition of zinc oxalate-iron(II) oxalate mixture“ Materials Chemistry and Physics, 81 (2003) 174.
10. S.N. Basahel, A.A. El-Bellihih, M.A. Gabal „Thermal decomposition of calcium formate“ presented at 7 th international conference in chemistry and ist role in development 14 – 17 April (2003) Mansoura university, Mansoura, Egypt
11. M.A. Ahmed, M.A. Gabal, F.A. Radwan „Effect of interlayer interaction and rare earth dilution on the electrical properties of two-dimensional system“ journal of Materials Science, 38 (2003)3677.
12. M.A. Gabal „Non-isothermal studies for the decomposition course of CdC2O4-ZnC2O4 mixture in air“ Thermochim. Acta, 412 (2004) 55.
13. M.A. Gabal, S.S. Ata-Allah „Concerning the cation distribution in MnFe2O4 synthesized through the thermal decomposition of oxalates“ Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 65 (2004) 995.
14. M.A. Ahmed, N. Okasha, M.A. Gabal, „Transport and magnetic properties of Co-Zn-La- Ferrites“ Materials Chemistry and Physics, 83 (2004) 107.
15. M.A. Gabal, S.S. Ata-Allah „ Effect of diamagnetic substitution on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4“, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 85 (2004) 104.
16. M.A. Gabal, D. Hoff, G. Kasper "Vergleich zwischen den thermischen Partikeleigenschaften und dem filtrationsverhalten von Flugaschen bei Hohen temperaturen" presented at the 39- Internationales Seminar Für Forschung und Lehre in chemieingenieurwissen, Technischer und Physikalischer chemie Juli (2004) Üniversität Karlsruhe, Deutschland.
17. M.A. Gabal, M.A. Ahmed „Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of copper-cadmium ferrites prepared from metal oxalates“Journal of Materials Science, 40(2005)387.
18. M.A. Ahmed, S.T. Bishay, M.A. Gabal and N. Helmy „relaxation phenomena in EDAMn1-xCdxCl4 perovskite; 0≤ x ≤1 “Journal of Materials Science, 40 (2005) 411.
19. M.A. Ahmed, N. Okasha, M.A. Gabal, "Electrical transport properties of barium–titanium ferrite with a hollandite structure ", Materials Chemistry and Physics, 99 (2006) 197.
20. M.A. Gabal, S.S. Ata-Allah, A.O. Al-Youbi, S.N. Basahel and S.A. Al-Thabaiti "Formation of LaFeO3 and thermal decomposition reactions in lanthanum(III) oxalate-iron(II) oxalate crystalline mixture", Journal of Materials Science, 41 (2006) 7597.
21. M.A. Gabal, D. Hoff, G. Kasper, "Influence of the atmosphere on the thermal decomposition kinetics of the CaCO3 content of PFBC coal flying ash ", Journal of Thermal analysis and Calorimetry, (2006).
22. M.A. Gabal, " Non-isothermal kinetics and characterization studies for the decomposition course of CuC2O4-CdC2O4 mixture in air", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, In Press.
23. F.A. Al-Newaiser, S.A. Al-Thabaiti, A.O. Al-Youbi, A.Y. Obaid, M.A. Gabal, " Thermal decomposition kinetics of strontium oxalate", Chemical paper, In Press.